The Bright Shining Future of Parking Spaces


Parking spaces. And parking garages for that matter. They’re everywhere. Above ground, below ground, there’s even a requirement here in Washington, DC that each house/apartment/condo has X number of parking spaces in correlation to the number of people living in the building.

If you think about it, it’s already sort of mindless, with all the transportation options in the city that don’t require car ownership, but soon it’s going to be just plain stupid.

Let me get back to parking spaces in a second so I can talk about self-driving cars.

Yeah yeah, Google Cars are the future…what I find interesting isn’t the technology but what’s going to happen because of the technology. How will our cities respond to cars that drive themselves, like a symbiotic relationship, what’s the benefit and what’s the tradeoff?

I answered a question on Quora about how self-driving cars can change our world. I’ve articulate a few of the thoughts from that post -

Parking spaces. And parking garages for that matter.

I imagine a few will exist here and there and those self-driving cars will need to live somewhere when they’re in for upkeep…but imagine, less parking spaces, less parking garages, less cars on the road. That’s a lot of space we’ll need to figure out how to use.

I’m hoping for more parks and sidewalks.


Now read this

Bringg Let’s You Uber Anything

When I wrote about Uber for X all that was really missing from becoming a dogwalker for hire was the service Bringg. Bringg is a platform that makes it simple to create Uber-like services. From Techcrunch - Uber has set the standard for... Continue →