New Uses for the Tinder Model

Tinder has perfected the art of the swipe, left for no and right for yes. This approach has partially made the app so addictive others are trying to mimic their success.

I can imagine I’m not the first to try to think of uses outside of the dating world though I’ve yet to see the swipe approach out in the wild. So what other services could use the swipe left or right method for attracting new clientele? A few come to mind.

I’m sure there are hundreds of use cases for the model, it would be great to see more uses show up live in the app store.


Now read this

Future Jobs: Automated Cab Fleet Manager

In the future companies like Uber or Google may have fleets of self-driving cars, ferrying goods and people around cities. While the fleet and fleet management will be automated a manager will exist to solve problems caused by bugs and... Continue →