The DPRK Responds to the Sony Attacks

The Vox has a blow by blow of the long winded and somewhat ridiculous screed released by the DPRK earlier today. If you can stomach 10 minutes of insanity from North Korea, I highly recommend the read. Here’s a snippet.

Pyongyang, December 21 (KCNA) – The Policy Department of the National Commission of the DPRK issued the following statement Sunday:

Strange thing that happened in the heart of the U.S., the ill-famed cesspool of injustice, is now afloat in the world as shocking news.

The Sony Pictures Entertainment, the biggest movie producer in the U.S., which produced the undesirable reactionary film “The Interview” daring hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and agitating even terrorism and had a plan to distribute it, was exposed to surprisingly sophisticated, destructive and threatening cyber warfare and has been thrown into a bottomless quagmire after suffering property losses worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


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The Problem With Twitter

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