The Era of Instant Delivery


Amazon, Google, Uber and others are all working on same-day delivery services in various locations around the United States. I’ve personally had the pleasure of using Uber Essentials to have some basics delivered to my house. While the experience was a little slow, it did get to my house in short order.

Of course services like FedEx and UPS have offered same-day for years but those costs are astronomical. So what are folks liked Uber and Amazon shipping? Everything from groceries to clothing to Christmas lights, all same-day and all super-fast.

My question is, what’s next? What other services will offer same day, ultrafast delivery? Which industries that are dependent upon delivery will become even faster as getting your order to your door?

I have a few ideas -

This list just begins to scratch the surface, there’s much left to be disrupted and changed as a result of our culture of now. What can you think of? What’s next?


Now read this

The DPRK Responds to the Sony Attacks

The Vox has a blow by blow of the long winded and somewhat ridiculous screed released by the DPRK earlier today. If you can stomach 10 minutes of insanity from North Korea, I highly recommend the read. Here’s a snippet. Pyongyang,... Continue →