Wal-Mart Same-Day Service

The idea of paying for something online, reserving it at a store and then driving to the store to pick up the item seems antithesis to the modern web. With Google, Amazon and others vying for the same-day delivery space big box stores like Wal-Mart have to play catch up. And in this Wal-Mart fails miserably.

In a world that’s constantly innovating, leveraging the latest technologies to appease the masses and improving upon both costs and production time, Wal-Mart has jumped off the bandwagon and decided to walk the rest of the way home.

If Wal-Mart wants to transition to a same-day delivery system without having to build out the infrastructure, a myriad of services like Kanga or Deliverish exist to fill the delivery needs of a customer base demanding same day service.

In-store pick-up ≠ Innovation


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