The Predictable Demise of a Company Called Facebook
I’d like to propose a Moore’s Law for social networks. This of course is entirely unscientific, but it seems appropriate, at least anecdotally.
The life of a prominent social network doubles the life of a preceding successful social network.
When I think of Facebook, I’m struck by the weight of the service. I’m not talking about the billion+ users, almost the size of China, but the scale of the platform itself. It’s a bloated mess of options, settings, features, apps and undocumented support for all of the above. It reminds me of the SNL skit Taco Town.
Saturday Night Live - Taco Town from alyssa sarfity on Vimeo.
At its core Facebook is really a messaging and photo sharing site. That’s it. Plain and simple. That doesn’t really seem like a core feature set that’s difficult to upset but for some reason it is. So who are the biggest contenders to take on this behemoth? Certainly...